Friday, March 30, 2012

pros/cons of using Access 2003 as a front-end for SQL 2005


I'm creating a SQL 2005 database for a small company. I'm leaning towards using Access 2003 as a front-end for them, since it has a decent report writer and the adp projects seem to preserve SQL's schema relationships.

But I've read some posts where Microsoft is frowning on adp projects. It would cost this company more money in the short-term, but am I better off building a custom .net winforms application instead and avoid Access 2003?

I've done a lot of coding, but not too much Access or I have a slight learning curve either way.

I've looked at some RAD Tools like Iron Speed Designer, but I'm not sure they'll spend the $$ on that and it seemed complicated to customize the generated code.

I would recommend to ask this question on access forum instead.

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