I have a page with over 20 Textbox and DDL controls and an upload in various Divs and Panels (Ajax enabled) that are used for gathering user data. Some of the fields are mandatory and some optional.
In the Code behind (VB- I am a complete novice) On the submit button click event, I iterate through the controls in the page and build an array with information from the controls that have data in them, (filtering out the non-filled textboxes, and DDLs).
All this works well, and I get an array called 'myInfo' with the columns with the control ID, and control values 'rvalue' (as string), with the number of rows equal to the filled textboxes and DDLs.
I then step through the array and build a string with 'name=values' of all the rows in the myinfo array and email this as a message:
ThisMessage = ""
NoOfControls = myInfo.GetLength(0)
For i = 0 To NoOfControls - 1
ThisMessage = ThisMessage & myInfo(i).ID.ToString & "=" & myInfo(i).rvalue.ToString & "; "
SendMail(email address, ThisMessage)
I also want to add this information to a database, appended by the IP address and datetime.now.
Dim evdoDataSource As New SqlDataSource()
evdoDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SQLConnectionStringCK").ToString
evdoDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
Dim InsertMessage As String = """INSERT INTO evdoData ("
NoOfControls = myInfo.GetLength(0)
Dim k As Integer
For k = 0 To NoOfControls - 1
InsertMessage = InsertMessage & myInfo(k).ID.ToString & ", "
InsertMessage = InsertMessage & "IPNo, DateEntered) VALUES ("
For k = 0 To NoOfControls - 1
InsertMessage = InsertMessage & "@." & myInfo(k).ID.ToString & ", "
InsertMessage = InsertMessage & ", @.IPNo, @.DateEntered" & ")"""
evdoDataSource.InsertCommand = InsertMessage
I then similarly iterate through and do the insertparameters.
Now here is the rub- (My all too often DUH moment!)
When I look at the insertmessage in debug (and to be sure- I also show the insert string on a temporary debug label on the page), The insertmessage looks fine:
"INSERT INTO EvdData (FirstName, Age, Email, Phone, Country, City, IPNo, DateEntered) VALUES (@.FirstName, @.Age, @.Email, @.Phone, @.Country, @.City, , @.IPNo, @.DateEntered)"
However when the above code(evdoDataSource.InsertCommand = InsertMessage) is run, I get an error - the message with the error is:
The identifier that starts with 'INSERT INTO ModelData (FirstName, Age, Email, Phone, Country, City, IPNo, DateEntered) VALUES (@.FirsteName, @.Age, @.Email, @.Phone,' is too long. Maximum length is 128
EH? When I actually copy the InsertMessage from the debug window and paste it manually after the command "evdoDataSource.InsertCommand = " It works, and I get the data inserted into the table..
-It would seem that I am probably missing something obvious in my complete "noviceness" . HELP! (oh and thanks a bunch in anticipation)
Its Easy --------When you know How. Meanwhile Aaaaaaaaah .
Remove the double-quotes around the insert statement.
Dim InsertMessageAs String ="INSERT INTO evdoData (" NoOfControls = myInfo.GetLength(0)Dim kAs Integer For k = 0To NoOfControls - 1 InsertMessage = InsertMessage & myInfo(k).ID.ToString &", "Next InsertMessage = InsertMessage &"IPNo, DateEntered) VALUES ("For k = 0To NoOfControls - 1 InsertMessage = InsertMessage &"@." & myInfo(k).ID.ToString &", "Next InsertMessage = InsertMessage &", @.IPNo, @.DateEntered)"
In the post the you have an extra comma in your insert statement after @.City and before @.IPNo
INSERT INTO EvdData (FirstName, Age, Email, Phone,Country, City, IPNo, DateEntered) VALUES (@.FirstName, @.Age, @.Email,@.Phone, @.Country, @.City, , @.IPNo, @.DateEntered)
You may want to change
InsertMessage = InsertMessage & ", @.IPNo, @.DateEntered" & ")"""
InsertMessage = InsertMessage & "@.IPNo, @.DateEntered" & ")"""
First, don't use " (double quotes) in your query, instead use ' (single quote) if and when needed. If at all you have to use double quotes then prefer setting QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF for the connection object. This sounds bit tricky, right?
"INSERT INTO EvdData (FirstName, Age, Email, Phone, Country, City, IPNo, DateEntered) VALUES (@.FirstName, @.Age, @.Email, @.Phone, @.Country, @.City, , @.IPNo, @.DateEntered)"
Second, did you notice that there are 2 , (comma) between @.city and @.IPNO or this is just by mistake when you were pasting your code in the post ?
Hope this will help.
|||Thanks Guys. It was the combination of both things. No quotations required and also the extra comma. (Silly look on my face at this point).
Moral of the story:
1. Coding problems are like magician's tricks: one problem is a slight of hand to take your attention away from another. 2. Beware of taking error messages too literally. -
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