Saturday, February 25, 2012

Programatically setting the sub-report to load

My system uses a variety of invoice templates for each client, so 'Bank A' would have one invoice type sent to it, and 'Bank B' would have another etc. Each invoice template is a report, and they can vary quite substantially.

Each month the accounts team need to print out all the invoices for a month. I would like to create a report which has the invoices as a sub-report, so they can all be exported together and printed together.

However each sub-report could obviously be a different invoice-template. I notice that the sub-report selector field is one of the only fields that doesn't take an expression. Is there a way to programatically set which sub-report is used? The parameter sent to each report type is always the same (the primary key of the invoice to report on).

Any ideas? Or any other methods which would achieve the same goals?



One way is to add all subreport-types you could ever need to your report and hide all but the one you need dynamically via the hidden-expression..|||

Yes I could see that working, but it is pretty messy. As I would like the facility to just add extra invoice-template reports at any time. But with your method I'd have to also modify the main list report.

Thanks for your help anyway :)

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